‘This the season for retail trends and analysis for the coming year.
Sometimes, we can’t believe that 2018 is almost behind us already! This is the year that Brand Primaseller got a cool new upgrade to match with the vision of helping multichannel retailers grow. This year, we also launched the iPad POS app, making it easy for retailers like you to sell in-store without a clunky, old POS system. We have some major announcements to make in 2019, so stay tuned for that!
As we (almost) step into 2019, it is good to have a reference point for how the retail industry is set to perform, and for us to prepare accordingly. This is why we are super-thrilled to be featuring trends and analysis from our friends over at G2 Crowd!
As the pioneer in software and services reviews, G2 Crowd has one eye steadily on changing market trends, which is why their reports are a great starting point for analysis of our own. Here are a few retail trends to watch out for in 2019. You can read the full trends report here.
The evolution of channels
With new shoppers come new shopping preferences. Millennials and Gen Z make up a majority of shoppers on the block in the next decade. As a generation that is used to digital comforts, buying in-store is not particularly enticing for this group.
The time is now to turn retail outlets into experience centers. Today, over 51% of all shoppers prefer buying online. G2 Crowd predicts that the percentage may go up at least by five more points. This is not to say that outlets are obsolete, but a time is coming when they’re just part of a much bigger picture.
Even online shopping is getting nuanced with younger generations shopping from Instagram for some categories more than Amazon.
Omnichannel strategies
Speaking of bigger pictures, omnichannel retail is no longer an option but the new norm.
Leading people to stores and converting them has become harder than ever. Plus, we are slowly moving away from consumer personas to a 360-degree consumer view. In light of this, a good omnichannel strategy helps lead people along the right sales path and to conversion, over and over again.
Plan your omnichannel strategy around what is workable for you, plus a thorough understanding of the customers you are targeting. According to G2 Crowd’s analysis, 20% of offline retailers will begin going omnichannel in the coming year. Are you joining them?
Meanwhile, G2 Crowd also has industry-specific trends analyses. Here’s their forecast for the restaurant industry.
Stay tuned while we come up with a series of resources to get you started on the right footing in 2019. In the meantime, take a look at these trends listed here, and think about how you can use them for your business.
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Armed with a degree and a pen, loves to tell stories. When not telling stories, she also works. Hard to decide which one she likes more.
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